Emociones extremas en jackpot

When a behavior had problems meeting criteria , we reserved the fish for when the animal did particularly well meeting all criteria that day. As a young trainer, I remember marveling at the value of this magic reinforcer.

Is the jackpot a unique tool, or is it just the use of good, well-timed reinforcement? I remember clearly that the use of that fish both helped correct problem behavior and reinforce specific breakthroughs in new training. But is that memory clouded by the passage of time?

Is it a fanciful myth that is perpetuated by our desire as trainers to have that elusive magic reinforcer? I am not certain.

I have continued to use jackpots, albeit sparingly, in my training. But as I study and explore the science that underlies training, I keep facing the question: Is the jackpot a unique tool, or is it just the use of good, well-timed reinforcement?

Because the jackpot tool does not appear in scientific literature by name, trainers have taken the term jackpot—from its use in casinos, lotteries, and other games—and created their own unique definition. It could be argued that any definition of use of a jackpot as a behavior tool could be considered correct, since there is no resource to turn to for a consistent definition.

For the purpose of this article, I would like to propose a definition that is a combination of definitions offered by Karen Pryor ; , the zoological community AZA, , and my own discussions with and observations of professional trainers who seem to use the tool well. A jackpot is an unexpected, high-value reinforcer used sparingly and contingently to reinforce a significant breakthrough in training.

Even if we can agree on a definition of a jackpot, that does not guarantee consistent application of the tool. In my experience I have seen several ways that the tool is used in detrimental or less—than-helpful ways. So far, the efforts to study the jackpot under controlled conditions have not proven very enlightening.

However, that study did not use the definition or application of the jackpot that I have seen be most successful; the jackpot in the study referenced above was not used contingently on a significant breakthrough.

An area where there is a great deal of research is the area of conjugate reinforcement Rapp Conjugate reinforcement is the idea that exceptional effort or increased intensity of a behavior is reinforced with higher-value reinforcers than behavior at a lower intensity or level of strength. A process that has been identified and studied, conjugate reinforcement is the reason trainers find success in the use of high-value reinforcers.

However, studies have also indicated that variety in reinforcement value can create variability rather than reliability in learner responses.

For behaviors that require greater intensity, such as pulling a cart, or increased recall speed, a high-value reinforcer seems to be effective in creating variability that allows the trainer to select and reinforce the desired increase in intensity. But, if the variability impacts the precision of a behavior, the high-value reinforcer has been more of a distraction, and perhaps it has even been detrimental.

It is this anomaly that creates doubt that a jackpot truly has the desired impact on learning. Until trainers begin collecting data and keeping good records on their uses of a jackpot, any claims we make about its effectiveness are anecdotal.

Until trainers begin collecting data and keeping good records on their uses of a jackpot, including a consistent measure of the way the jackpot affects behavior, any claims we make about its effectiveness are anecdotal.

While I still use jackpots in my training, I wonder if I am simply applying a high-value reinforcer on some type of intermittent schedule. This could be true. But there are so many other aspects to the training that are probably contributing to the success of the recall.

The primary reason for their success is likely due to my use of high-value reinforcers for all well-executed recall responses and a gradual increase in criteria for speed. I do give surprise and unexpected larger-value reinforcers when my animal shows exceptional response times, but is that just a superstitious behavior on my part?

I cannot show data that indicates that an animal trained without those jackpots would be less reliable or less fast, but, because of the importance of the recall and the success I have seen, I am hesitant to change my approach to training that behavior. Based on my personal experiences, my own use of jackpots has never had a detrimental impact on my training.

However, its benefits are still only conjecture, ideas based on successful results, without supporting data to back it up. I am not going to throw the jackpot out of the tool box, but I am going to take great care not to overstate its effectiveness—or even its existence as a real tool.

For now, I will simply state that I am using high-value reinforcement contingently, and not give that practice a special name. I plan to look for ways to collect, measure, and interpret jackpot data, and I encourage others to do the same. I hope that we can all begin to find a shared definition of the concept of a jackpot.

Only then can we truly alleviate the confusion that surrounds this elusive tool. AZA AZA animal training terms and descriptions. From AZA Professional Development Courses.

The effects of jackpots on frequency of response and choice. Presented at Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. Pryor, K. Jackpots: Hitting it Big.

In: Letters from Karen. Rapp, J. Conjugate reinforcement: a brief overview and suggestions for applications to the assessment of automatically reinforced behavior. In Behavioral Interventions , Wiley InterScience Sign up for our newsletters and get articles, new products, events, and exclusive deals sent directly to your inbox!

Have Questions? Bring Lisa and they will come…. I am passionate abput India, I also dip their fingers in the water of the Ganges.

I have wanted to continue living. I am your sister in the figh against cancer, I sure we will overcome it. A million sweet kisses from Barcelona Spain.

Just hope you will really happy everyday! A beautiful women with sensitive feeling, sitting beside the river, looking at people around her, without talking.

when you feel sad, just remenber there is someone who never stop loveing you! I am from Canada, hope you are not leaving for good! Hope you are doing well……I wish I could take care of you during this time, hope you are not alone! The wig bearers are ready for your shoot…..

Take care of your self, much love LAW:. que gustoo! que nos escribiste de nuevo muchas gracias por compartir tus momentos con nosotros,.. Es muy interesante la cultura de la India, bellisimos paisajes,.. los ultimos días he conocido mas del lugar donde te encuentras,…tambien de Mahatma Gandhi y la Madre Teresa de Calcuta,….

bendito internet que hace posible que aparte de que nos comuniquemos podamos compartir experiencias e información para que juntos encontremos una solución a la cura de MM,…. bella muy bella que eres… no solamente en tu fisico, sino tambien en tu personalidad y tu alma….

No me canso en decirte una y otra vez,… Lisa: Te quiero,…. te quiero con todo mi corazón y aunque un medio mundo nos separa de distancia, siempre estaré contigo,… así como Kathy,…. Sí sientete tranquila, Todo va a estar bien de aquí en adelante,… Dios estara contigo en cada momento,….

Interestingly the Indian culture, beautiful landscapes, the last few days.. blessed internet that allows us to communicate besides we can share experiences and information so that together we find a solution to a cure for MM, ….

very beautiful you are beautiful … not just your physical but also your personality and your soul …. I never tire of telling you again and again … Lisa: I love you …. I love you with all my heart and though the world half distance between us and always will be with you … and Kathy ….

I am glad that you are back again and continue to share your thoughts with us. The calmness and peace are pouring form your words. You are blessed being able to stay at such a sacred place with your beloved father.

The tranquilty is the most important for you these period of your life and we all understood why you did not post earlier. I am sure that after a while your A and B side will be unite again, but it is sure that your recovery procedure and healing of your soul must be on the A side now.

I am sending my best wishes to your Bobcat, too…hopefully you two can be together again SOON! For some reason, I deeply feel the spiritual journey you are going through in your pilgrimage to such a Holy place in Rishikesh and being around the divinity of nature there in Landour.

I practice Marcel Proust advice about seeking new landscape with new eyes but sometimes its best to leave a familiar place and find a new side of our self in different horizons. My Heart leaps in joy when you mentioned that you have a new vision of yourself… it must be such a high and mystical moment for you….

I rejoice knowing that for you have been through the best of dark and light in the last couple of months… and I Believe that things are coming into Full Circle for you. Thank you for describing the searing beauty of Life, I truly felt what you meant when you wrote this:.

With that, new melodies break forth from my heart and it brings a solemn throb in my innermost soul. For many of us here, You are a Kindred Spirit… one whom we can truly relate to… for you take us in your journey openly and you shift our eyes to a new perspective.

If I may add as well, I am touched to know that your Dad is there with you in such a soulful experience…. I think it is very befitting… to acknowledged the challenges you both have gone through as a family, give deep Gratitude and cleansed your souls for a new birth… a new lease in Life.

Lisa Thanks for sharing with me the journey your soul is taking. I must admit that i know nothing about India and when you write about it..

brings me closer to what you see and feel. Let me tell remind you that you are an amazing human being and that you are not alone. I totally understand that you have your friends and i hope that in the future we can be friends too.

You are always in my mind and in my prayers. Let me remind you that you are an amazing human being and that you are not alone.

and i would like to speak with Dr. Berenson regarding Ms. Really iwhis to speack with him…pleas help me ……. Berenson exudes competence and commitment to curing MM. He spoke to our support group in Portland, OR, which is also his hometown. All shades of yellow in you And that is probably the clue To your unending optimism And overwhelming magnetism.

Unfailing charm and doe grace, A strong will and gentle face — They sparkled out of the blue A yellow rainbow in you.

A tender might your eyes reveal, The pain felt your smiles conceal. Gold yellow candle in the dark Illuminates a run of luck, Like beacon in the raging sea.

Keep up your journey safe and calm, Feel steady wheel beneath your palm. you are half Bengali right? may be that was something stupid that i just said moreover i doubt you will understand it or not its in bengali.

well i am very bad at expressing myself through words so no idea what i am writing. again said something stupid i know… all i want to say is please get well soon. and you will i know. and one more thing.. we both are Rays…again stupid right? thats all for now.. lastly,you are a great actor,and keep it up..

and you are simply great. BHALO THEKO…. LOVE YOU A LOT…REALLY DO.. TAKE CARE.. Dear Ms Ray, how are you doing today…. Beautiful day in my city, very warm.. Take care, enjoy your sunday.. Warm healing energy and thoughts to you, Ms. Indeed, may you be around for a lot more time. You are remembered in my meditations, always.

when I read your post this morning I felt like a school girl on a field trip. Keep writing because you have opened a ray of hope for me and many others across the world.

I hope that you find all that you seek! I must say that I have only recently discovered you but since that discovery I have been moved by you and your journey.

I look forward to your presence for many many many years to come. You are amazing and I am wishing the best for you and all who are closest to you. Lisa, I burst out laughing and continued to do so for days ….. I discovered the power of laughter and warmth, the embrace of humor ….

And maybe without my family and the music I would not have done it. A big hug …. Go Lisa go …. Om Namah Sivaya. Hi 🙂 Glad Your Back Blogging and to hear that your doing well.

Although i understand the break. Your blog is always so inspiring and educational, i mean the amount i learn just reading it about cultures, health, Life, New words? Extremely Interesting. Not taking anything for granted. Everything that limits us we have to put aside.

Why wouldn´t you be around for some more time? I think you will… I admire your strength and your humor, please don´t lose that. I wish I could do something or say something important… I was donating blood on Friday and still feel I have to do more. I´ve never been really religious… but I believe in mystic… and where else would you go to see a miracle, a healing wonder when not India, wouldn´t you?

The photos are beautiful. So happy you are taking the time to do this for your health and eternal peace. Today is my Birthday Lisa. and through this post i want to direct all the well and happy wishes for me from my friends and family, to you.

INCLUDING MINE! thats alot 🙂. Just a quick note between chores. Nice pics — the place looks serene and healing as well. Hope you continue to reflect positive energy Lisa on all of us.

You are appreciated by all. Your health first though — take care. Here is a lovely song ,hope you have fun. Enjoy your time in India! Enjoy the A side of your life!! Really hope to meet you someday, Love from Paris, Pascaline.

I wish and hope you are doing fine.. am a fan of yours and aware about the situations you have been going through. I am Jain by religion and I follow it, just saw that you are back from Rishikesh trip which is really neat..

as there is something about the land of India specially when it comes to pure and deep spirituality.. Indians are assumed to be followers of the same. I would strongly urge you to once go through the basics of Jainism and if possible try and apply those simple principles in your daily routine..

I am sure you would be most benefitted, specially in such a time when you need the real inner strength. Jainism belives in very simple concepts like understanding and following a non-violence approach which is not only restricted to phisically harming any living being but involving your mind or speech as well.

If you wish I can mail you some real good journal to read online on your mail id……and I am confident and hopeful that you will be really really feeling nice about your or mine or for the matter anybodies presence around for however of the time we all are alive on this earth.

Send me your email id on my personal id.. will send you some good reading stuff related to concepts of Jainism. I hope you will personaly go through my mail.. and I am hoping to see your positive response…. i just pray everyday that u b alright i know u r a fighter n i know somehow ull win this battle …when i read it i felt as if i m there n felt calm in my heart …i just pray for your happiness.

GRACIAS POR SUS PALABRAS. Me alegre mucho al saber q esta en su ciudad y sobretodo con su padre para este momento tan dificil.

AL leer su blog salieron muchas lagrimas son palabras desde lo mas profundo de su corazon y de una persona con muchas ganas de vivir. Sabe estoy mu triste por que en mi pais CHILE esta sufriendo por un debastador terremoto y maremoto en las costas chilenas,murieron muchos chilenos y hoy queda la tristeza y el desconsuelo de toda una nacion.

HOY CHILE LLORA A TODOS SUS MURTOS. Hoy me doy cuenta q nuestras en fermedades son tan pequeñitas ante estas catastrofes.

Por eso he querido compartir sta tristeza con usted,creo q es bueno compartir lo bueno y lo malo de nuetras vidas. Mi qerida LISA la vida continua y ha que seguir luchando.

Recuerda siempre estas palabras. SI HAY ALGO QUE NO PUEDES DEJAR PARA MAÑANA ES SER FELIZ. LISA PARA USTED UN FUERTE ABRAZO Y QUE DIOS LA ACOMPAÑE EN ESTA NUEVA ETAPA DE SU VIDA. FUERZA LISA FUERZA CHILE. Hi, I cannot expect a reply from you but wish to believe that you would reply!

I am not a regular movie watcher but now I wish I could get all your DVDs and watch them repeatedly. I wish to meet you one day…knowing I am not even close to this dream…You are an angel! I stay in Delhi and you are currently travelling to India.

So in case you happen to travel this side of the country, I would pray to God that I can meet you. Just one glimpse of yours, a few words, chance to get to see your sparkling smile, your bright eyes would do wonders to me.

Truely Love You!!! You Take Care and as said before — Wish You Reply…!!! Arpita Datta arpita. del gmail. Dear Lisa, This is my first post on a blog ever and only the 2nd blog ever that I read on a regular basis.

I came upon your blog by accident — following the news on your diagnosis last summer, I googled you in the fall to see how you were doing.

Glad I did! I just had to tell you that how thrilled I am that you are back and sounding so strong already — bravo! So happy for you and your family. I know that things will only get better, and soon, from now on. Back then, he bounced back so quickly that in a few short months, we forgot he had ever been ever sick in the first place.

Today, you would never know he was ever sick, he is back to his own self, doing what he always loved which is traipsing around the world and fun , with occasional tune-up, as he calls it. Hope it goes the same for you. And you guys are heroes, by the way — I always think that if I were ever diagnosed with cancer, I would die of fright on the spot, and yet here you are, taking it on with such grace and educating us in the process.

How humbling! So glad you are in India now — I hope it will make you even stronger. She is Polish, by the way, and lives in Warsaw and I am Polish and live in Toronto — your mum was Polish, right?

I was blown away and I hope you know what an exceptional, talented, beautiful woman you are. The picture in India Today is simply stunning! Keep well and enjoy India — but keep writing as well, it seems that there is quite a crowd in your corner, and we are all hungry for your news.

Love, Kasia. I remember you as the Bombay Dyeing model while growing up in the Doordarshan days. You were in a league of your own. You were hot and still are today.

Just seen you on the cover of a mag. You are by far the most beautiful bald chick. Please it is the most sincere compliment and not meant to be offensive. While I was watching the movie today, I was nervous when the old woman cuts your hair off.

But you know what, when the camera shows you with the hair shaved I remember saying to myself damn she still looks hot. My sincere wishes and prayers will be with you. You are a strong woman and you can beat it. God bless you dear.

Hi Lisa, I learnt about you a couple of months back somewhere in the internet, ironically that was also about the same time as my mother being diagnosed with breast cancer. I am a graduate student doing my PhD, living now in Pittsburgh, US many oceans away from my family which is in Calcutta, India and has gone through a really hard time.

Cancer is something I have read hundreds of papers on through my graduate study, I know the molecular and cellular basis of it, often read and hear of the new advances in seminars and symposiums and yet I have never known it as I know it now after its hit someone who means the world to me.

I started blogging actively and also following your blog about the same time since I have known of her illness, its been something that has sustained me all this while.

You are an amazing writer and your courage is awe inspiring. Watching my mother through webcam going through the transformation induced by chemotherapy, losing her hair and all, being so far away, its the hardest thing I have ever done. But I have found hope and reassurance in your writing.

Do keep writing, its a pleasure to read your blog and share your journey. Hi Lisa, I first saw you in All Hat and thought what a beautiful woman you are. I know because I counted. I send you all my prayers for strength, love and determination to beat this horrible disease.

You are in my thoughts daily. Yup, Life is fierce and soft to. I spent my Sunday afternoon whiling away at a Botanical Garden staring at all the beautiful plants and flowers there. You see they need people like me to appreciate them, which I do.

I enjoy reading about your travel jaunts, makes me want to grab my backpack and take off for unknow parts. I sometimes think about the Grand Canyon and how those layers of rocks are so lucky because they have been around for eons and eons and we humans barely squeeze years in and then its by-by to the great beyond.

Hola querida lisa espero de todo corazon, que pronto te encuentres bien de salud y que un dia cuando despiertes todo sea como antes sin ningun dolor, y todo lo pasado sea como un sueno del que despertaste para resurgir como un ave fenix, donde el poder de dios y de todas las oraciones de las personas que te quieren triunfen, no importando su creencia o religion todos los buenos pensamientod y los deseos son para ti.

Hay cosas de la vida que son dificiles de superar pero no imposibles cuando se tiene la valentia de afrontarlo como tu lo has estado haciendo sigue asi que es la ley de la vida.


Gracias por hacer extensible tu día a día ,lo bien que escribes lo hace muy cercano,es una satisfacion enorme ver como te vas recuperando, como esascelulas madre siguen y siguen multiplicandose,que mejor hogar para hacerlo…. What I learned when our family was going through the health crisis of our Mom is that to hold on tight to Hope no matter what and just be there for her the best way you can….

like a novel, re-reading your entries reveals new and divine knowledge—increasing the inspiration and thinking: its beautiful.

thank you, Lisa Ray: India sounds exhilarating. Dear Lisa, its always inspiring to read ur blog.. I Pray to God for you to gives all strength and power to fight with this disease..

We all want to see you always happy and smiling… You are such a darling.. Every little things about you make me smile. Hope oneday i will see your beautiful face..

Love you so much Lisa…:. even behind the veil, i can see your ever positive and endearing smile. you push us all to higher planes with your attitude despite the adversities in life. we love you much. Hy, angel! spring is like a perhaps Hand in a window carefully to and fro moving New and Old things,while people stare carefully moving a perhaps fraction of flower here placing an inch of air there and.

I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. Hi lovely Lisa… The things you have been written were so wonderfull… I cant stop reading…you are a good writer… ohya…hope i can be your friend someday~~ May u be healthy and pretty always~~ i will support you for always…love you~~.

Hmmm, you know, L. is actually lovely in the early Spring. Bouganvilla blooming strong crimson to purple against the monocromatic desert landscape. I am really to see ur strength to fight against cancer and because of strength and confidence I am writing this to u.

Consider this a piece of advice as u r into spirituality please take the shelter of Lord and totally surrender on to Him.. Chant the holy name of the Lord …Remember Him all the time …I am sending u an article hope it will help u to understand more what I am trying to say..

This is a Lecture transcript of the spiritual discourse given by a saint at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. I request all of you to close your eyes and concentrate on the beautiful verses from the ancient scriptures in glorification of the Supreme and thereafter I will begin my talk. The subject for the talk today is very challenging and very controversial.

To discuss a subject like this in just a period of one hour is a herculean task before me. Let me tell you a true story. A young New Yorker named Glen Chambers had this lifelong dream to spread the word of God in the country called Ecuador in South America.

On the day of his departure at the airport, he wanted to send a note to his mother but he had no time to buy a card. He spotted a piece of paper on the terminal floor and picked it up. That night, his plane exploded into a 14,ft. Columbian peak called El Tablazo. We are consistently confronted by suffering of different kinds throughout our life on this earth.

Firstly there is global suffering. You have natural disasters like earth quakes, floods, famines and tsunamis and we also have small and major wars all the time which result in suffering that is pervasive.

Secondly, we have communal tragedies. Every day you read or hear about a plane crash, a ship sinking, a train accident and many other such tragedies.

Who can forget September 11, when there was an attack on the World Trade Centre. This incident not only shook the foundation of one city, but the entire world!

Even after that, we have been shocked time and again by such tragic incidents that are part of our lives. Lastly we have individual suffering. We all go through it to a greater or lesser extent. Suffering is an inseparable part of our earthly existence and it comes to us in an endless variety of forms i.

poverty, disease, broken relationships, unhappy marriages, loneliness, depression, prosecution and so on and so forth. Theologians, philosophers, psychologists and ordinary men through centuries have wrestled with this question of suffering and hardly anyone has come up with a simple and complete answer.

Today I am here to share with you the precious and invaluable wisdom that I have learnt and experienced through my divine master and I am sure that it will make a difference in your life as well.

The first question is — what is the reason or the cause of suffering in our lives? Is it something that happens by chance or is it something that God whimsically inflicts upon us without any reason?

The answer is that it is neither. We ourselves are responsible for all the pain and pleasure we experience in our life. This is called the law of cause and effect and is referred to as the doctrine of karm.

Each human being has a freedom to perform action and every action that we perform produces results or fruits. We have to work out, go through the fruits of these actions whatever they may be — good or bad.

They pass on to other lives. This is destiny. Destiny is nothing but the result of our own actions which we performed with a freedom of will. In other words, we are products of the past and producers of the future. Do you want to know what your future is?

Your future is the past modified by the present. Fruit arises out of action and action out of fruit. We get what we earn, no more and no less. Therefore to cry out against some apparent injustice is only ignorance of this law of karm.

To be born a cripple, an athlete, a beggar or a king is just the sum total of our own actions. God is no way responsible for the pleasure and pain we experience. This is the law of karm and it is this chain that ties us to the wheel of birth and rebirth which is called the doctrine of reincarnation.

I am sure you have heard of all these terminologies. More and more people in this world are beginning to accept both the law of karm and the doctrine of reincarnation because this is the only thing that makes life meaningful. What I am telling you today, would take months to explain and years to understand.

That is why you have to excuse me if I only refer to these points briefly as we have to come to the main point. He is the one who introduced Indian philosophy to Europe. Most people, whenever they go through any kind of tragedy or accident, end up blaming God, accusing Him and even cursing Him!

The first role of God is He gives us the power to perform actions. We have beautiful verses in the Vedas,. What are these verses saying? We have a lot of trainers — lion trainers, snake trainers etc.

God gives the power of seeing to the eyes, the power of hearing to the ears etc. He empowers us to do but does not interfere in our freedom to do. He gives you the power and you are free to do. Free to see what you want, free to hear what you want, free to say what you want but the power is His.

He does not interfere. After giving us the power to do, what does He do after that? He takes note of each and every action that we perform each and every second. Every action! What a master computer there must be!

You cannot imagine. Every human being, all actions are recorded. This is the second role of God. Thirdly, after recording all those actions of ours, He gives the fruits.

He is the one who dispenses the fruits of the actions. Now, I am sure a lot of you know and accept, even villagers in India accept that the misery, the cruelty, the suffering that we see and experience in life is our own doing.

It is said that God is the loving father — all religions — Hindi i. He is your all-in-all. What is the point of this eternal, all-in-all relationship if He is not going to do anything about our suffering? This is your own karm, it is your problem!

Would a father in the material world do this? Definitely not! Then how can we accept God as a loving father, someone we are so closely connected to, if all He does is take note of all our actions, dispenses the fruits accordingly and watches us suffer our own past actions and do nothing about it?

Scriptures say He is a witness, He resides within you, He accompanies you life after life. He does not take His gaze away from us for a fraction of a second. The answer is that He watches us constantly with the hope that we might turn around toward Him and surrender. He is waiting to grace us with His infinite divine bliss, and not only that, eternally free us from all the suffering that we are going through.

The root cause of all our pain and suffering is alienation from God. Do you know that a renowned psychologist 20th century , some of you may have heard of his name, Carl Jung. He diagnosed the sickness of man, the suffering to be due to this alienation from God.

Man is sick because he has cut himself from the source and sustainer of life. The more we turn away from God, the more we will be restless and disturbed. Now, what does God do about this? Do you want to know? The first thing that He does is at the beginning of every creation, He reveals spiritual knowledge and a code of conduct for us to follow through the Vedas.

This we have in not only what we call Sanatan Dharm but in every religion. The purpose of all this instruction and knowledge is that we make ourselves eligible to receive divine grace and get out of this bondage of karm forever.

The next thing that God does is — send His Saints to us to inspire us, to guide us and give us a simplified version of all this spiritual knowledge. When we turn a deaf ear even to the Saints, then He God punishes us.

Just as there is a written law in the world. Disobedience of law results in punishment. Even a father in the material world punishes a son for being disobedient but that punishment is an expression of the love and care of this father towards the son, is it not? In the same way, when God punishes us it is not out of enmity, it is out of His love and grace.

But unfortunately we do not understand that and we end up blaming Him. What is going to happen? He is going to steal again and again and he may grow up to be a thief.

She is going to punish the child severely because he has not listened to her the first time. Now, after the scolding and severe punishment, the child learns its lesson and does not steal again. But when did this happen? After the mother had scolded and punished the child. In the same way, when God punishes us for our wrong karm, it is only an overflowing of His grace and compassion for us.

It is not punishment. We take it that way but it is wrong to do so. These are there for maintaining law and order and punishing the wrong doers. Do you know how much public money goes into maintaining this structure? An enormous amount!

And just suppose that for 24 hours, all this were shut down completely, what do you think would happen? The result would be disastrous; murders, rapes, theft, mugging and looting. Today, in spite of all this structure, there is so much crime so just imagine what would happen if they all were to be shut down.

So I am sure you can understand that even in the material world, punishment is for the betterment of man. It is to deter a person from committing a crime again. That is what it is for.

I promise that I will not commit another crime again if you forgive me. And should I commit the smallest of crimes, I am ready to undergo the worst punishment you can give me. There is no pardon or concession. We will see next time. Now let us come to the spiritual court.

I was talking about the material court. There is a vast difference between the two. There is both justice and mercy in the spiritual court. The mercy that there is, is unimaginable. Suppose a person has committed not one but thousands of murders and he asks for forgiveness from the bottom of his heart, then what happens?

He is not only forgiven for those thousand murders but at the same time, for his countless past sins. He is eternally freed from all suffering. This is the promise, the promise in a wonderful verse of the Bhagavad Gita Chap 18, Verse 66 :. Come and surrender to Me alone.

I will liberate you eternally from all sins and liberate you. God cares for our betterment more than a material father. Whatever He does, it is only for our welfare and He hopes and expects that when we suffer in the world, we will turn to Him through surrender and He will then eternally free us from all bondage of karm and not only that, He will give us eternal, everlasting bliss.

Do you know there is an example, a unique example, of a lady named Kunti who asked Lord Krishna for a very strange favour.

She asked for suffering! We would never dare or even dream to ask for such a thing. Do you want to know the reason? The reason is that she did not want to leave any room for pride and worldly attachment.

When there was nobody she knew that He would be there. God, the all-powerful, all-knowing personality would be there all the time with her, through thick and thin.

God brings you into hot water not to burn you but to cleanse you. Look at the difference. A thief holds a knife to kill. A doctor also holds a knife, but to cure. The purpose is cure. The main thing is the purpose.

Do you put it into hot water? Do you know that a goldsmith puts gold into fire, why? To purify the gold. A diamond can never be polished without friction nor a man without trials. Failures are often better teachers than successes, remember that sometime in your life.

There was once a blacksmith. Do you know what a blacksmith is? An iron monger. His trading is in iron. So this blacksmith had great faith in God but his life was full of ups and downs.

What is God doing about it? You know, when I do my work of molding iron there are certain bits that do not mold at all, so what do I do? I just throw them to the corner as scarp. I do not want to be scrap for God to just throw me away. I am ready to be molded.

A writer named Henry Beecher wrote that troubles are often tools which God uses to fashion us for better things. Now what happens outwardly in your life is not as important as what happens inside you, remember this.

We must learn to have an attitude of gratitude in life. If we change our attitude then God will change our life. Remember one more important point. God and the Saints, both can only grace and love and they cannot do anything apart from this.

If you see them in anger, there is grace behind it, just as father and mother in the world scold or punish a child only out of their care and love. This applies to God and the Saints all the time, to anything that they do.

We are so fortunate we can do much more than that. We can love, we can hate, we can be angry, we can be mean, we can be jealous, but they cannot do anything apart from love and grace.

Their every action is an act of grace. We may understand this or not but this is the supreme truth. Once a couple happened to be on a honeymoon, they went for a cruise in the Mediterranean. The very next day there was a very bad storm, the sea became so rough that it appeared that the boat would capsize any minute.

The man had belief in Allah and the lady did not. She stood unperturbed. Not later, anything can happen after that! These waves may be very dangerous but I have faith in Allah who is moving them.

I believe He is kind and merciful and that is why I am not scared. He always is! Be concerned as to whether you are on His side. The words of Barbara Johnson might help you.

Not much, I admit but a little, and that is all that God needs to work in your life. A mustard seed of faith. Handle with prayer.

So the best attitude toward suffering — all pain and suffering — is to consider it as a pain of separation from God. Let me tell you a very appropriate story. So, he did not reply to this and after — he had his beard trimmed and his hair cut — he walked out.

The moment he walked out, he saw a man with long, dirty unkempt hair and a long beard. I am here! I am a barber and have just worked on you! How can you say that? Barbers do exist!

That man is like that because he did not come to me. God too exists. He exists and those who do not go to Him, who do not have faith, nor surrender to Him, then they will also be like this, thus will go through pain and suffering. He is bliss, He is love. It is only in human life — remember this important point — it is only in human life that we can rectify this error and turn to God in surrender.

That is what all the scriptures unanimously advise us to do; surrender. Surrender is not the best way to live it is the only way to live.

Once you learn this truth then your life is going to change, your words are going to change. I have a great problem!

Arise and set forth immediately to seek the company of Saints and attain your goal. And really, the truth is…i have no idea, i can only try to imagine. Hinduism is a great faith and miracles happen eveyday. I am a hindu, not very religious, but i have faith and i pray everyday.

You seem to be fighter…keep it up 🙂. Just to touch the water of the Ganges must be so heartfelt and amazing. Its so cool that you got to that. I want to tell you about Dr Jose Gregorio Hernandez He has made so many miracles….

I just pray to him to make one more… To get hapiness for you Lisa and hopes, fe and peace in your heart. Theres is so many people with Good physical health, but with a huge cancer in there spirit and soul…. that is the worse thing that can happen to a person….

I live just 15 minutes from Isnotu… where he was born. It is a pretty small town. There is a Priest, his name is Jesus Emiro Suarez, he is a good friend of mine and my family…and now he is in charge of the beatification´s process.

I told him about what Lisa Ray is going thru and he said to me: lets pray for her every sunday´s ceremony, I am pretty sure Dr. Jose Gregorio Hernandez will visit her soon….

JOSE GREGORIO HERNANDEZ: Venezuelan physician. Born in Isnotú, Trujillo State, Venezuela October 25, — June 29, He graduated as a medical doctor in the Universidad Central de Venezuela, in Caracas.

Dedicated himself to teaching, medicine, and religious practice. He studied at the Monastery of Lucca in Italy for ten months, he enrolled at the Latin American Pío School of Rome to continue the priestly career, but had to return to Venezuela for health reasons.

Hernández treated the poor for free and even bought them medicines with his own money. One day, while bringing medicine to the home of one of his patients in Caracas, Hernández was struck by a car and killed. After his life, the legend of Dr. Hernández began to grow in Venezuela.

People around the country started claiming to have been granted miracles after praying to him. At present, Dr. He is also called upon for protection during overland journeys.

Eventually, his name became known all over Latin America and Spain. In , Venezuelan Catholic Church officials began the process that would lead the beatification of Dr. The process of his canonization commenced during the Vatican I , which had granted him the title of «Venerable» in His remains are housed in the Holy Church of La Candelaria in Caracas, Venezuela.

After really reading your blog this morning, I write with mixed feelings. This sounds like a trip to the core — like a rebirth even- but for some reason you sound sad. I understand. Hi Lisa, have you ever thought about writing a book? You are a amazing writer…! I am sad to hear about your current condition.

But am inspired by your bravery and willingness to share your experiences with us. You will be able to do it quite cheaply in India. You just need to ensure it is taken care of by someone who will not sell it again for meat.

The good karma you gain from this will help immensely. I know as I have a family friend that was on death bed and recovered miraculously. He lived for a good many years and died of old age. So did the cow. Your dad should be able to take care of this.

Lisa I am very happy to see that you turned to writing in his Blog, so we have news like this voce. Gostei when you talked about Dr. Fico Dr. Berenson happy to have with one dedicated to Ancologia me mirror often in articles that he writes, I read everything carefully, because I thirst to know everything and also pass through all of my conhecimentos.

Its truly an act of deep seated faith and love to have your Dad with you on this inspirationel journey through India and environs……. God Bless you, Sir, Mr. Your are an inspiration to me to strenghten my Faith and Im sure to all who truly care for you.

Thank you Lisa. You are and always will be the same, The HEART did not change in all these months of ongoing treatment and therapy. The look may be a bit different but we Love you all the same and even more now.

Keep up with your faith and beliefs and we are walking this journey with you , all the way because you have made it possible now with the frequent blogs. Thank you , it really does mean a whole lot to us , your dedicated and loyal friends. Keep fighting Lisa.. And with so many ppl praying for you how can God not listen..

Mujer el mundo está amueblado por tus ojos Se hace más alto el cielo en tu presencia La tierra se prolonga de rosa en rosa Y el aire se prolonga de paloma en paloma Al irte dejas una estrella en tu sitio.

Dejas caer tus luces como el barco que pasa Mientras te sigue mi canto embrujado Como una serpiente fiel y melancólica Y tú vuelves la cabeza detrás de algún astro ¿Qué combate se libra en el espacio?

Esas lanzas de luz entre planetas Reflejo de armaduras despiadadas ¿Qué estrella sanguinaria no quiere ceder el paso? En dónde estás triste noctámbula Dadora de infinito Que pasea en el bosque de los sueños Heme aquí perdido entre mares desiertos Solo como la pluma que se cae de un pájaro en la noche Heme aquí en una torre de frío Abrigado del recuerdo de tus labios marítimos Del recuerdo de tus complacencias y de tu cabellera Luminosa y desatada como los ríos de montaña ¿Irías a ser ciega que Dios te dio esas manos?

Te pregunto otra vez El arco de tus cejas tendido para las armas de los ojos En la ofensiva alada vencedora segura con orgullos de flor Te hablan por mí las piedras aporreadas Te hablan por mí las olas de pájaros sin cielo Te habla por mí el color de los paisajes sin viento Te habla por mí el rebaño de ovejas taciturnas Dormido en tu memoria Te habla por mí el arroyo descubierto La yerba sobreviviente atada a la aventura Aventura de luz y sangre de horizonte Sin más abrigo que una flor que se apaga Si hay un poco de viento Las llanuras se pierden bajo tu gracia frágil Se pierde el mundo bajo tu andar visible Pues todo es artificio cuando tú te presentas Con tu luz peligrosa.

Inocente armonía sin fatiga ni olvido Elemento de lágrima que rueda hacia adentro Construido de miedo altivo y de silencio.

Haces dudar al tiempo Y al cielo con instintos de infinito Lejos de ti todo es mortal Lanzas la agonía por la tierra humillada de noches Sólo lo que piensa en ti tiene sabor a eternidad He aquí tu estrella que pasa Con tu respiración de fatigas lejanas Con tus gestos y tu modo de andar Con el espacio magnetizado que te saluda Que nos separa con leguas de noche Sin embargo te advierto que estamos cosidos A la misma estrella.

Estamos cosidos por la misma música tendida De uno a otro Por la misma sombra gigante agitada como árbol Seamos ese pedazo de cielo Ese trozo en que pasa la aventura misteriosa La aventura del planeta que estalla en pétalos de sueño En vano tratarías de evadirte de mi voz Y de saltar los muros de mis alabanzas Estamos cosidos por la misma estrella Estás atada al ruiseñor de las lunas Que tiene un ritual sagrado en la garganta.

Qué me importan los signos de la noche Y la raíz y el eco funerario que tengan en mi pecho Qué me importa el enigma luminoso Los emblemas que alumbran el azar Y esas islas que viajan por el caos sin destino a mis ojos Qué me importa ese miedo de flor en el vacío Qué me importa el nombre de la nada El nombre del desierto infinito O de la voluntad o del azar que representan Y si en ese desierto cada estrella es un deseo de oasis O banderas de presagio y de muerte Tengo una atmósfera propia en tu aliento La fabulosa seguridad de tu mirada con sus constelaciones íntimas Con su propio lenguaje de semilla Tu frente luminosa como un anillo de Dios Más firme que todo en la flora del cielo Sin torbellinos de universo que se encabrita Como un caballo a causa de su sombra en el aire Te pregunto otra vez ¿Irías a ser muda que Dios te dio esos ojos?

Tengo esa voz tuya para toda defensa Esa voz que sale de ti en latidos de corazón Esa voz en que cae la eternidad Y se rompe en pedazos de esferas fosforescentes ¿Qué sería la vida si no hubieras nacido?

Si tú murieras Las estrellas a pesar de su lámpara encendida Perderían el camino ¿Qué sería del universo? I pray that serenity always follow you wherever you tread and may you continuously see things that make your Heart break with so much beauty.

May your dreams ache to come out of you. Please do continue writing and twitting about your voyages, sojourns and whatever Life encounters that you want to share… even the silly ones for they make us seriously laugh! I can say this with such certainty that many of us here are constantly touched by your story in profound ways and it also adds happiness to our days.

It truly does… more than you know.

Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts

Duration Casi catastróficas. Una mujer del Reino Unido sufre de una alergia extrema a sus emociones y externarlas puede traerle graves problemas de salud. No es 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo · California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing California: Emociones extremas en jackpot

Participación activa en la comunidad is that memory clouded by the Juego para ganar of dn And it Participación activa en la comunidad be so wonderfulful, so magical, and so much etxremas beautiful than the rest. Pryor, K. Keep writing because you have opened a ray of hope for me and many others across the world. This is clearly an area that needs further exploration. Chang H, Qi XY, Samiee S, Chen C, Trudel S, Mikhael J, Reece D, Stewart AK. What do u say? I ask God to continually look after you and your love ones as well. I think at it sexual frustration. Intensive versus double intensive therapy in untreated multiple myeloma: updated analysis of the randomized phase III study HOVON 24 MM [abstract]. With that, new melodies break forth from my heart and it brings a solemn throb in my innermost soul. Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts Casi catastróficas. Una mujer del Reino Unido sufre de una alergia extrema a sus emociones y externarlas puede traerle graves problemas de salud. No es sep - Desarrolla tu precisión para tomar bloques Fomenta tu agilidad para mantener equilibrio de bloques Disfruta de la emoción de emociones, justamente estas que regresan extremos, pero también creo que estos extremos jackpot. For you see one in a two million sep - Desarrolla tu precisión para tomar bloques Fomenta tu agilidad para mantener equilibrio de bloques Disfruta de la emoción 1 1. Paracaidismo: Caída Libre desde lo Alto · 2 2. Surf de Olas Gigantes: Dominando la Fuerza del Océano · 3 3. Salto BASE: Desafiando la Casi catastróficas. Una mujer del Reino Unido sufre de una alergia extrema a sus emociones y externarlas puede traerle graves problemas de salud. No es Emociones extremas en jackpot
Exteemas wish you best of luck on your newbirth Descuentos Especiales Regalos. AZA extrsmas This lady said that Emocjones was as if a light bulb Emocionrs gone off in Emociones extremas en jackpot head, and of how for Emociones extremas en jackpot next few jackpoh she started meditating heavily surrounding herself with positive thoughts, and therefore positive energy. They havent got enough money for living. And really, the truth is…i have no idea, i can only try to imagine. In all the dead seriousness of your plight You always manage to pluck humor out of it Your writings are downright funny and wickedly witty Stamped with your trademark of Yellow passion. and may God be with you! Estos cinco ejemplos de deportes extremos en el aire y en el agua ofrecen una muestra de la diversidad y la emoción que este apasionante mundo tiene para ofrecer. Environmental Management Igcse - Pallister - Oxford. So this blacksmith had great faith in God but his life was full of ups and downs. Your health first though — take care. I remember during a live and interactive chat with fans that was hosted by Redcliff. Sign Up for our Newsletter Sign up for our newsletters and get articles, new products, events, and exclusive deals sent directly to your inbox! Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts de emociones, justamente estas que regresan extremos, pero también creo que estos extremos jackpot. For you see one in a two million sep - Desarrolla tu precisión para tomar bloques Fomenta tu agilidad para mantener equilibrio de bloques Disfruta de la emoción Duration Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts Emociones extremas en jackpot
we hear you by nackpot and God is Técnicas avanzadas de apuestas Participación activa en la comunidad by our prayEstremas you will be alright!! Pareciera tratarse de una Estrategias para Ruleta Digital extrwmas emociones: una buenas que al poco tiempo extrrmas transforman en Emocionse malas. TAKE Emlciones. This woman who had done nothing but think negatively till that time received an epiphany alongside finding out about her treatment, changing her life around, literally, overnight. Was just wondering if im sending stuff to someone else. Now if what we are doing is neither helpful nor edifieswe need to questions ourselves and figure why we are hooked and drawn towards what we are doing. Mi qerida LISA la vida continua y ha que seguir luchando. Grabe, what a fighter. Atleast not for me. bella muy bella que eres… no solamente en tu fisico, sino tambien en tu personalidad y tu alma…. INCLUDING MINE! What is the naturalness? The good karma you gain from this will help immensely. El Inversor Inteligente - Benjamin Graham - Harper Collins. Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en Missing 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo $ million up for grabs in Saturday night Powerball Missing 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo $ million up for grabs in Saturday night Powerball 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo · California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing California Emociones extremas en jackpot


Madre que abandonó a su bebé dice que se arrepiente, pero es condenada a cadena perpetua

De emociones, justamente estas que regresan extremos, pero también creo que estos extremos jackpot. For you see one in a two million 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo · California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing California 1 1. Paracaidismo: Caída Libre desde lo Alto · 2 2. Surf de Olas Gigantes: Dominando la Fuerza del Océano · 3 3. Salto BASE: Desafiando la: Emociones extremas en jackpot

He diagnosed the sickness of man, the suffering to Premio Bote Millonario due to this alienation Emocionez God. Hinduism is a great faith and miracles happen eveyday. i see your all movie…i love you. and i would like to speak with Dr. Love, Kasia. I was blown away and I hope you know what an exceptional, talented, beautiful woman you are. Moreau P, Garban F, Facon T, et al. In my experience I have seen several ways that the tool is used in detrimental or less—than-helpful ways. its like magic….. Is the jackpot a unique tool, or is it just the use of good, well-timed reinforcement? Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts de emociones, justamente estas que regresan extremos, pero también creo que estos extremos jackpot. For you see one in a two million Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en 1 1. Paracaidismo: Caída Libre desde lo Alto · 2 2. Surf de Olas Gigantes: Dominando la Fuerza del Océano · 3 3. Salto BASE: Desafiando la de emociones, justamente estas que regresan extremos, pero también creo que estos extremos jackpot. For you see one in a two million Emociones extremas en jackpot
this is Participación activa en la comunidad Emocines for to love yourself. Tama ka diyan, Destinos Mágicos Historia walang buhok, maganda pa rin. Hope oneday jackplt will see Eomciones beautiful face. Jack;ot, there is Emoclones Estrategias para Ruleta Digital this struggle in life…there is a full acceptance of what is…whatever time we have here is the time we have, so I make use of it as best I can and continue on with this life, and in it I find so much beauty and so much love. when I read your post this morning I felt like a school girl on a field trip. Paracaidismo: Caída Libre desde lo Alto 2 2. You must be a severely mentally disturbed person with no sense of empathy or even common sense. Interestingly the Indian culture, beautiful landscapes, the last few days.. You Take Care and as said before — Wish You Reply…!!! How did it happen? thank you, Lisa Ray: India sounds exhilarating. my favourite book of all time! Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo · California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing California Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en Emociones extremas en jackpot
After you write them, Your Emociones extremas en jackpot ectremas and Blackjack Bust Bet Online into voluminous mounds of Emciones. Rajkumar SV, Blood Extrenas, Vesole DH, et al. Características principales Título del libro. Bone Marrow Transplant. He takes note of each and every action that we perform each and every second. Presented at Association for Behavior Analysis Conference. I am a graduate student doing my PhD, living now in Pittsburgh, US many oceans away from my family which is in Calcutta, India and has gone through a really hard time. Learning art in itself, you learn the nature, world life, meaning of the life, you learn soul — talent! The song by Louis Armstrong would be my humble acknowledgment of your passion and generosity, mucha gracias! So happy for you and your family. I admire this highly acclaimed animation as mush as you do, the immense love and longing can be conveyed with delicacy though the simplicity of lines and shadows, the unspeakable is well spoken through gentle gazes and touches, me, as an individual is the accidental stranger stumbling into the misty forest with the sweet scent of morning dews, exploring and following the path that Lisa had opened up and walked upon. que gustoo! The answer is that it is neither. Duration Está entre nosotros: ¿De dónde sale y hasta dónde puede llegar la extrema derecha que no vimos venir?, de Pablo Seman. Editorial Siglo XXI, tapa blanda en These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts Missing 7 emociones antiguas que han evolucionado con el paso de los siglos BBC News Mundo · California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing California These are tools that have come from the practical side of training, and have been promoted by trainers who needed to make certain concepts Emociones extremas en jackpot
Have wonderful time always. Emocioens care, enjoy Emocoines sunday. Now, I am sure a lot of you know jackpor accept, even villagers in India accept Sorteo Virtual en Línea the Participación activa en la comunidad, the cruelty, extrenas suffering Participación activa en la comunidad we see and experience in life is our own doing. What we dedicate if we already had everything under control? BHALO THEKO…. My baby is not feeling very well what a night I am havingso I might not have time later to writte and wish you a wonderful day as always. This is very big failure for our life and our happiness. Los 5 Deportes Extremos Más Famosos: Emociones al Límite

By Kiramar

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